Monday, January 14, 2013

25 reasons why you shouldn't end your life.

Suicide. That constant act on your mind, debating whether to do it, planning on when to do it, or already writing your suicide note? Thinking how much your life sucks? How you don't want to cry yourself to sleep every night anymore? How you don't want to be bullied everyday? How you're sick of hearing your parents fight? How you're afraid of that abuser coming back and hurting you? How you're tired of feeling lonely? How you wish you had real friends? How you wish you had better grades? How you wish you were pretty, thin and good enough? Please just stop. Or at least, reevaluate your thoughts after reading all these reasons to not end your life: 

  1. It probably isn't as bad as you make it out to be. Over-thinking things make them seem a billion times worse. Try talking them out with someone and see how simple or stupid your problems may be.
  2. Think about those poor, starving children or those cancer patients fighting for their lives, or those people who lost everything in a natural disaster yet refuse to break down and still fight for a good life.
  3. Appreciate what you have instead of glooming over what you don't have. Your life isn't perfect. My life isn't perfect. Nobody's life is perfect. It's not only you.
  4. You are certainly not alone. There are millions of people who struggle with the same thoughts as you on a daily basis and fight those thoughts away. If they can do it, then so can you.
  5. You are good enough. You are pretty enough. You are clever enough. You are talented enough. You are strong enough. You can make your dreams come true. You can have a better life. You can not cry yourself to sleep every night. You can wake up feeling happy. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that every single day. You'll believe it eventually, I promise.
  6. Those haters and bullies want to see you down. Don't let them feel happy with you breaking down. Stay strong. 
  7. Stay strong just for that special one special in your life that you wake up everyday to see.
  8. Everyday is a new day. Being depressed over the past won't change anything. Forget the past. Live for today, and the future will be so much better.
  9. Death is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. 
  10. Don't hurt all of your loved ones. You killing yourself will have unimaginable effects on them forever. They don't deserve to have their lives ruined because you decided to end your life. They will blame themselves no matter what your suicide note says. They will live forever miserable, angry, hurt and all asking that one question: why? 
  11. Ice-cream tastes good.
  12. Whatever you're going through will not last forever. Nothing ever does. Stay strong and wait for things to get better. 
  13. Imagine missing out on everything.... Growing up, meeting new people, having new chances, making new memories with your loved ones.
  14. What about the person who finds you dead? Think about how they'd feel. Would you really want to put them through such horror?
  15. You were brought into this world for a reason. So LIVE!
  16. Never seeing a new day, rain, sunshine, snow, children laughing, a rainbow again.
  17. Never being able to grow up more and make those haters realise that they were wrong all along. Work hard and come out more successful, happier and healthier than them. 
  18. Your life has a value whether you see it or not. Please don't end it.
  19. Missing out on all your favourite artists releasing new work.
  20. Missing out on those first dates... Those butterflies, taking a billion breath-mints.... all for that one special person.
  21. There is always somebody out there who wants you to live and can't imagine life without you.
  22. All that yummy food you will never be able to eat. 
  23. Seeing the iPhone 6! 
  24. You'll never watch the next episode of your favourite show, and you'll never see your favourite movie again.
  25. Once you kill yourself, you're gone. Finished. Bye bye. No one can bring you back. You'll never be able to try out the things you wanted, see places you wanted to see, meet new people, chase after your dreams, make new memories with the people you love. 
Please think about it properly. Do you really want to end everything? We all want to end all that pain and the hurt. But life also has those good little things in them. If you think about it properly, you'll be able to see all of those amazing little details about your life that you never noticed before. Life is so damn good no matter how much pain you're going through at this moment. Slap some sense into yourself and stop moping around. There are people who would do anything to have your life. Some people have absolutely nothing in their lives, yet they still find a reason to smile and a reason to fight harder for a better life. You have family, you have friends, you have a home, you have clothes to wear, you have food to eat, appreciate that for a change. Take a moment out of your day to reflect on your happy memories and all of the blessings that you have been blessed with and then hopefully, you will feel different about ending your own beautiful life.
No matter how many mistakes you have made, appologise, buy the person you hurt a gift. If they forgive you, then great! If they don't, then that is there problem. You have done what you can and that's what matters. We all make mistakes, don't constantly punish yourself for being human.

Stay strong,
You're so beautiful.
I promise.


  1. I think I like the 'Ice cream' answer! Such a great article on suicide - thanks for sharing!

    1. Yeah I liked that one too it made me laugh through my tears

    2. It’s 2022 and the iPhone 6 one made me laugh as I’m typing this on an iPhone 13 😂

  2. Haha! Hoped that would make someone smile. Glad you enjoyed it, took me a few days to come up with all those reasons :) xo

  3. Nice article you have here. Keep on motivating others.:)

    1. but what if your family dislikes everything about you and you have no friends and you can't seem to get along with anybody in any venue? I've tried. I'm 70 years old and hurt hurt hurt.

    2. Lainie Lapis, you can't give up. There are always reasons to live, you just have to look closely at your life to find them. I know how hard it can be, honestly, and sometimes people don't understand just how awful the constant pain can impact someone's view of their life, but you can't let that pain get the best of you. You are still here for a reason, obviously, or God would have already brought you home. So until you fulfil your purpose, stick around and try and appreciate all the good things in life. Like this article said, rainbows, births, laughter, colours, food... they're all reasons to keep on trying even if the world feels like it's falling apart around you. It's easier said than done, I know, but I promise you it'll be worth it. Maybe join a club, take up a new hobby, learn an instrument/language, etc, because having something to distract yourself like that is extremely helpful. You'll meet new friends along the way, and as for your family, they can go f**k themselves if they can't acknowledge and appreciate how wonderful you are. Just know that you're never alone, there will always be people who care and want to help, and that things will get better with time; they always do. x

  4. Thank you so much! Keep motivating people.

  5. thank you, this articvle has saved my life and will continue to save others...

  6. You have no idea how much this helped me! Thank you so much! Truly appreciated!!

  7. Thank you for making me fell better about myself. You have saves so many lives.

  8. Thanks I really put thought to this I won't end my life

  9. I Don't know... I know for a fact that I'm the luckiest guy for having a family, friends, and everything that I wanted... I may not be the greatest with love or with being a good friend but I'm trying to live my life and make everyone's life a little easier to live in but i feel so empty inside and I feel so alone to the point where i think about suicide everyday.. I think about what if i left everyone in my life and how I would hurt them. That's the scariest part right now but lately I'm starting to not care anymore. I'm getting lower and lower and i just don't know what to do or what to look for. I'm a 16 year old male in high school. I'm so happy with how my life went but I just feel so lost... I'm just rambling now... Thank you for posting this, made me realize that I'm happy with what i did with my life.

  10. This article feels like it's making fun of me. just ...tired

  11. Thank you!
    It really helps.

  12. I think just two words work in what to say to this.

    Thank you.

  13. This article is great:)!!It really makes me think about life differently in a good positive way!Thank you!

  14. I have friends and no one bullies me, i just feel empty inside. Just like i have to fight to get through the day.

  15. I am sure someone is out there, my thoughts of ending my life was at age 5, how is that even possible? I was sexual abused starting at far 4. Nothing I could do, nitemares, walked in sleep even outside in the middle of the night. No one believed me this was my step dad my mom would not believe me. The point is I am 53 I feel no one cares, I feel my coworkers are always against me, my boss hates me. My husband is at the end of his rope. My husband and son are worried about me all the time is not a good life for them. I just feel everyone would be better off without me. Sad in IL not sure what to do

  16. I am sure someone is out there, my thoughts of ending my life was at age 5, how is that even possible? I was sexual abused starting at far 4. Nothing I could do, nitemares, walked in sleep even outside in the middle of the night. No one believed me this was my step dad my mom would not believe me. The point is I am 53 I feel no one cares, I feel my coworkers are always against me, my boss hates me. My husband is at the end of his rope. My husband and son are worried about me all the time is not a good life for them. I just feel everyone would be better off without me. Sad in IL not sure what to do

  17. I believe some people aren't really looking for reasons not to kill themselves.
    They're just looking for people to care about their life and struggle beyond the pain their suicide will cause others. That's rather selfish on the part of those others who want that person to suffer the hell that is their life just because those others don't want to suffer the loss of this person they want in their lives until s/he dies of natural causes...
    It's about people really caring about your fight for a reason to keep going to the point that they're actually invested in your happiness.
    But there's the catch.
    How invested are you in the happiness of others?
    How much do you invest in the struggles of other depressed individuals who perhaps can only be understood by someone like you?
    Just a thought...

    1. What if you you are alone. What if you have lost so much. What if that one special person has already ended it. What if you are not good enough. What if all those you love are already gone. What than please tell me what than.

    2. you spend your sunday reading pages like this, alone with your tears.

  18. the only thing this article made me do is hating myself even more, it makes me feel like I'm stupid and I'm here to be maken fun of. Maybe it helps others, but my thoughts have only been worsened

  19. i read the first 3 and i already dont agree. to say "there are people with much worse" , "you are overthinking and its not that bad" are some of the worst things you can say to somoene with depression or suicidal thoughts sorry i know you were just tryna help

  20. You know nothing and are an ass.

    1. * you're an ass.

      Sorry Not sorry.

  21. You have no fucking idea. Pick something else to make fun of.

  22. There's no point to life. I'm ending it here. Everyday is a war. All out war. This will be my last day on earth.

    1. Sigh, I would love to join you, if only you could tell me how death feels like maybe then I'll fear it

  23. I'm sorry but this wasn't a good article at all. The first few sentences were shit. You don't tell someone who has depression that "it's not that bad" or "there's worse things" because honestly you have no idea. And it sounds to me that you've never been through any of this so you have no clue on "how bad" it is. sorry but this was a shitty article. Oh and you brought up people with cancer have it worse, let me tell you mental illness is like a form of cancer it never goes away. It's just as bad and it kills many people daily just like cancer does. But what do I know? I'm not an author who makes fun of people with depression.

    1. I agree, in all fairness the first four and a couple more made me want to kill myself more.

  24. for some reason the more i read this the worse i feel. nothing is working nothing. i feel like an empty cup that nothing can fill. as though there is a hole in the bottom of the cup. trying to survive is only prolonging the inevitable. there are no bullies no friends that need me nothing. yet i am too much of a coward to kill myself. the worst waste of space. i have nothing but yet i cant bring myself to become nothing. sleeping is the only thing that doesn't hurt but even then i have night terrors. maybe i just need to sleep forever. please help any and all suggestions are welcome.

  25. That was beautiful and it opened my eyes

  26. this was so inspiring thank you so much

  27. I have thought long and hard about this and cannot see any value in anything you mentioned. You say "Think about it properly, do you really want to end everything?" And to that I say "yes."

    1. hey, so youll prbably never read this but i just wanna say theres always someone who'll miss you prob they just dont wanna admit that or theyre just a pet but you'll pass all your problems to atleast one other person also if they changed. Stay strong also if its not for you!

  28. It really helped me thank you <3 eventhough its alreeady 2021 and the iPhone 12 got alreday released lmao

  29. It helped me but I still don't know. I don't think anyone would miss me if I did it. I feel so unloved and so forgotten and unnoticed. I just want a nice comment or something that tells me that I'm actually worth something. I don't know.

  30. (from same person) also don't use the argument that if you end your pain, it will cause someone else pain. all that does is guilt trip you and that doesn't help me stay alive.

  31. “See how stupid your problems may be” “Ice cream tastes good” “New iphone” “ Once you kill yourself, you're gone. Finished. Bye bye.”

    What fucking high schooler wrote this?

  32. The real issue is the fact that trying to convince myself anything is going to get better is just coping. It makes me think that everyone is just pretending that they enjoy life.
    How can anyone geniunely enjoy living? I get it if you have loved ones, people talk to you and want to know you, you work a job you enjoy or don't have to work at all. However for me, things don't work out that way, and will likely never work out that way. Theres nothing I enjoy, so I have no common ground with others. So no love or friendship for me, I can't even manage the energy to do so anymore. Everyone thinks I'm a creep or that there is something wrong with me, so I feel like an alien everywhere I go. Or perhaps I'm intimidating and unapproachable. It matters not either way, I'm still alone, and will stay alone. And work is just for my own benefit and well being, I don't enjoy it at all, and there isn't a job out there I would enjoy, so the majority of my life will be spent doing shit I don't enjoy for no benefit and no pay off. Just toil so I can eat and live, pathetic. Life is not good to people like me. I have a long life of isolation and loneliness ahead of me, I either accept that- or I leave this horrid and shallow existence. Maybe those people who ignored me will begin to care after I'm gone, and honestly? I hope it tears them apart. I hope they think about how I wasn't actually a bad person at all, and that the world is less for my departure and then I am forgotten forever. More likely I will just be ignored still. I like how these "reasons why life is worth living" lists are always made for regular people and never really apply to depressed ones. Like no! Nobody is ever going to love you. It will probably never get better unless you pretend that life is a fairy tale land where theres a person or people you haven't met yet who would be your friends, when this is bullshit, nobody wants to be friends with a depressed person, especially a depressed male. Everyones talking about how much of a buzzkill or creep you are. Ten times out of ten they would rather speak with a normal person.

  33. Poor starving African children aren't gonna stop me from killing myself, sorry.

  34. I'm not sure you realise how skilled you are at making suicidal people more miserable.

    I wonder how many suicides this article has caused. I know it's caused mine now.

  35. I can appreciate the sentiment behind this post, but it's extremely problematic nonetheless and hasn't really helped me.
    Seeing points like "Ice cream is tasty" or "you'll miss out the new Iphone" makes this post quite unproductive. And while point 10 is partly true, it sounds really judgy and blaming.
    Please let someone proofread this kind of posts.
